Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I say it's my birthday

Yep, that's right. I'm officially older. While my body may not be as awesome as it once was, I think the 30's are totally underrated as a decade. (I can't be the only person whose 20's sucked.) In honor of me, I've decided to take the day off. I realize that to outsiders my "day off" may look no different than any other day (the appearance of not working is harder to pull off when you don't have an actual job) but mentally it's a whole 'nother world. This morning I took Owen to Central Park instead of our usual scuzzy playground. We ate cheddar bunnies and parked ourselves at a giant sandbox and looked for helicopters in the big blue sky. (I wonder how many cats pee in those sandboxes at night...) On the walk home I narrowly avoided the calorie bomb that is our newly opened donut/ice cream shop, but don't you worry - I'll be back. I think I'll round out this afternoon with a trip to the world's coolest playground (that's it up there) followed by some homemade cake. Now if I could just get in a massage and a lottery win...


caramama said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day.

Missy said...

Donuts AND ice cream?
That is just mean.
Deliciously mean.
Can we go there next time I am out for a visit?

Woman with a Hatchet said...

Happy birthday! Belated, of course.