Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ali isn't feeling too sure about these gorgonzola crackers...

Sorry I've been snail paced. In the past 3 days, Baby Boy has figured out how to unlock the toilet guard (if I just pull it hard enough...), pulled the protectors off the table edges, screamed bloody murder over the impenetrable DVD guard, eaten cat litter, and hurled himself into his father's urine stream.

The kid has decided that being confined to the bedroom is for suckers and happily slap-slap-slaps his way to freedom at every opportunity. (He also believes that the cats are chasing him which leads to much panicky scooting about.) It occurred to me the other day that maybe I'm supposed to be teaching him how to walk. It seems a little counterintuitive but what do I know? Truthfully, he doesn't seem terribly interested. He pulls himself up and creeps, and we've caught him letting go and standing unassisted for a few seconds, but the whole holding-by-the-arms thing just irritates him. I've heard that babies tend follow maternal milestones so I'm not too worried - I didn't walk until 16 months - but if I hear one more "He's STILL not walking?!" from the peanut gallery (gym lifeguards, I'm talking to you) I'm gonna pee in the pool.

Sleep, though, is AWESOME. 12 hours a night. He's even able to put himself down! I have no idea how it happened. I guess he just got older. He's still a rooster - 6:30 am - but I'll take it. (Should I admit that we're still on the bottle? It's totally selfish - I love having him curled up in my arms, all snuggly and half-sleep. Sippys just don't offer the same cuddle factor. And there's no way I'm making full-on baby breakfast before sunrise.)

For those with kids, when did the Terrible Twos rear their awfulness? Because I'm DEH-finitely seeing some signs. (Right now we have to use two spoons for his yogurt or he goes Defcon 5.) Am I imagining things?


Anonymous said...

Terrible twos started at about 18 months for us. But they were nothing compared to the F-ing Fours!

Ali said...

I'm TOTALLY sealing that, Bern.

Ali said...

I meant "stealing". Don't booze and type.

Missy said...

I still say three is the worst. Then 6. 6 may have been worse, again I have fairly recent memories of 6 so that may be why I think it is worse.

Do you guys have one of those walker toys he can hold on to a handle and push from behind? My kiddoes loved the one we had. Gives independence which he seems to want.

Anonymous said...

aahahahahaaaaa sounds like a fun few days. For spectators anyway.
But did you say 12 HOURS SLEEP!?!?!? jealous!

Anonymous said...

Did you say 12 hours of sleep?!!! Congratulations, you made it! Don't worry, you can totally handle the terribly whatevers if you're getting some sleep (and some wine). In our house, 3 was worse than 2. 2 was still a little baby-like, 3 was a negotiating back-talking, yet still charming, mess!

Anonymous said...

don't feel bad about the bottle, mine's still totally on the boob once a day. i don't look forward to the 15 month well-baby check tomorrow where they ask.... so, is babe still nursing? the first babe weaned herself at about 14 months, so i'm at a loss on what to do. i figure, if everyone is happy, i'm happy! i'm getting that good 12 hour down time at night with both kids too. sooo nice, unless they are sick, and of corse hazel brought the bad from preschool, and we're all sick.
what are your thoughts on weaning?